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Enji Enji Enji
7:50 AM
Actually, find the passion is not easy. In the past, I was only said that cook and food is the part of my hobby. Day by day, I felt different with my hobby. I thought that my hobby is my passion.
I like eat anything. I love cook food to my eat and I love to explore the ingredients. When I cook, I feel different in my mind. there is a fun moment while I am cooking. In my opinion, cooking is a fun time. it is because, I can know about the ingredients characteristic, explore my creativity and absolutely is eating. Actually, when you are cooking, it is the moment where you feel confidence or not. Perhaps, you have ever seen the people who cook but feel doubt or afraid when seasoning the food. It can shows that she/he is quite confidence or not. so, when you are cooking, you can also learn about the self confidence.
I am very falling inlovewith cooking and food. it is more than just cook but it can help me to explore my creativity. Food and cook are a part of art. as like the art, cook and food and bring the art in the plate. Sometimes, the beautiful of food on the plate makes me to take a picture of it.